Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Rainbow
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenenat between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creature of every kind on the earth."--Genesis 9: 12-16.
Friday, October 27, 2006
It's Finally Here!
還在st. louis的時候就已經試著把它從加州運到我們家,錢先付了,可是三個月過去了都還沒去加州pick up。打電話去問都只有answering machine。到後來,連Zozo也跟著我們禱告,讓這個issue能有好的resolution。雖然事情很frustrating,可是我們知道這是神的帶領,鋼琴沒送到st. louis省了我們再把它搬到德州一次,而且那次也讓我學習處理麻煩事情,讓我面對一個人賣房子碰到問題的時候不會那麼沒經驗。
可是這次要再arrange運鋼琴一次,我還是很擔心,一直拖到很多人開始跟我說Zozo如果還不學琴的話,以前學的就會忘光了,我才硬著頭皮找moving company。這次雖然是送到了,可是也不是那麼順利,pick up時間拖了幾個小時,星期天接到超rude和threatening電話說星期一或二就會送到,we'd better be home to receive it。真是廢話! 我們花了那麼多錢把它運過來,難道要把它丟到路邊嗎?!星期一等到了下午接到電話說星期三中午會到,那天老公就work from home, 結果到了下午都沒消息,打了好幾通電話才說星期四下午一點會到,我就乖乖的在家等了一天,老公下午又arrange work from home,結果兩點接到電話說晚上七點多會到,結果也沒有,又是好幾通電話後,到了晚上十一點終於來了,好脾氣老公居然跟他們吵起來了,結果消氣後又跟他們道歉。(後來我還發現老公把我鎖在房間裡,真得很protective!) 等到十二點,鋼琴終於美美地擺在客廳裡。還好早上小孩子看到後蠻高興地!
謝謝姐姐那麼慷慨,把鋼琴送給我們。也謝謝nephew S and A那麼討厭練鋼琴,還特別寫email給我叫我趕快take that thing out of their sight,所以我們才有這台鋼琴!
by the way, this is what we found in the piano. how long has it been since they touch the piano to not know these things were sitting inside??!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
跳! 跳! 跳!
我真得很technically challenged,居然把相機拿錯方向,本來想說算了,不放上來,可是Bobo真的蠻可愛的,就請將就一下把頭往左邊歪一下看這個video,
他在trampoline上練不同的jumps, 後來還有練翻筋斗,結果相機就沒電了,told you i was technically challenged!
After School Science Club
the first week, the kids brought home glow-in-the-dark skeletons. they had a blast with these things and took them everywhere. they only stopped playing with them when they started losing pieces of bones.
then, the kids brought home very realistic looking hearts. they were squishy and sticky, and when thrown against the wall, left very obvious red marks. we had to throw out Z boy's fake heart after he got all sorts of nasty grime stuck on it. amazingly, Z girl's little heart is still intact, sitting on top of her dresser in the little box she made for it.
the nastiest thing they brought home were the little tubs of large and small intestines. the more they sat in the tub of water, the bigger and more orange the model got. 2Z put these tubs in our breakfast area so that everytime we sat down to eat, we got a full view of them. after about 2 weeks, i finally asked them to throw it out. they parted with them very unwillingly!
in the final week, the kids had a review of all the lessons they learned. they put together a puzzle of the human body. the heart, the lungs, the stomach, and intestines are all underneath the rib cage. this picture doesn't show the true size of the puzzle. they are actually kid-sized posters.
the kids had a blast attending the science club. they always came out of the lessons with huge smiles. it's so great to see their interest in science piqued at this young age. the next session will start soon. we can't wait to see what they'll learn next!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Conversation at dinner
B: yes, mommy is 35 but she looks 25.
Z boy: no, she looks like 25 million!
B: son, i think you better go to bed early tonight.
State Fair
走來走去剛好看到中國武術表演,第一個表演是舞獅!Zozo和Bobo坐在地上看得津津有味,叫都叫不動,我們就只好站在大太陽下把45分鐘的表演看完! 後來又看了車展,帶Bobo去看他最喜歡的jeep wrangler,結果太多人了,後來他看到rock climbing也太多人了,B就選了一台卡車讓他們上去過過癮。花了好多錢去玩games,只換到幾隻超極小的stuffed animals,看他們的表情還是很滿足。
Monday, October 23, 2006
Dallas Museum of Art
the girls learned about wearable art around the world. some of the things they saw included jewelry from southeast asia and skirts, capes from africa. at the end of the trip, each of them got to make masks which is probably Z girl's favorite part of the whole trip.
Zozo真得很有美術細胞,每次帶作品回家,我看了都覺得好棒。 這個面具也蠻有創意的!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
上週六,我們去一家新的亞洲supermarket,我看到一堆不同口味的乖乖,就選了幾包草莓煉乳的,結果Bobo看了跟我說我拿錯了,乖乖應該要有一個little man。他自己選了巧克力和椰子口味,包裝上都有乖乖man。
i was so touched that he likes 乖乖 and recognizes the little man on the package. he likes the same things that i did when i was little! it makes me feel that he has a bond with my heritage. i love that even though he's born and raised here, he's still exposed to things of my childhood through the benefits of free trade!
One of My Favorite Spots
the cabinet holds some of our cd and dvd. the piece of art is an imitation of the window frames in traditional chinese buildings. i lugged two back from taiwan last year when we went for a vacation. they used to go well in our old house but now only one fits in this spot. i am considering painting the window frame dark brown to match the media cabinet. i really love orchids. however, the pot of orchids is fake since i have only succeeded in killing live ones.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
So proud of her...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Floor Exercise
今天Zozo開始練習floor exercise的routine。一群小女生一起練習,好可愛喔! 等我把相機弄好要拍的時候,就只拍到最後一點,結果Zozo看了這個video說我沒有錄好。這個routine好像是要年底表演,那時候B一定會拍好一點。
Sunday, October 08, 2006
第一天到了加州,先去吃午餐,然後就去laguna beach玩。 Zozo和Bobo一看到海就衝進去玩,完全不在乎身上穿的不是泳衣,到最後還在海裡滾來滾去,弄得全身濕淋淋,黏滿沙。nephew M只在沙灘上跑來跑去,不願意碰到水,還是他比較愛乾淨。
第二天,我們去legoland玩,天氣很舒服,人又不多,每個ride都不必等太久,玩的好快樂。 只是兩個小孩都不夠高,很多ride都要有家長陪,害我重複坐了好幾次,那時候特別想B。我們玩到關門才離開。晚餐去荳媽介紹的馬家,真得不錯吃,只是小孩子們實在太累了,吃不太下,我們就把一桌的菜打包回家當第二天的消夜。
這次小孩子都比較大了,就可以坐一些比較刺激的ride。最刺激的是splash mountain! Bobo坐在最前面,本來他很興奮地,結果衝下水幾次後,把他的face paint都沖掉了,他的結論是一點都不好玩! 我們坐的最後一個ride是winnie the pooh,坐到快結束的時候就壞了,後來我們是走出來的。我覺得蠻好玩的,第一次那麼近看那些set up。
最後一天除了要去吃拉麵外,就沒其他的計劃。早上讓小孩子盡情地玩,中午出發去買些東西和吃麵,本來要去的那家人太多了,等下去的話怕會趕不上飛機,(加州的traffic實在太可怕了,連週末都塞車。) 哥哥就改帶我們去mitsuwa。到了我才發現是荳媽介紹過的火頭山,麵好不好吃呢?不知道,因為被小孩子吃掉了,我是吃別家的蛋包飯。
這幾天的假期真得很快樂,Zozo和Bobo還是跟nephew M相處的很好,也看到超級乖寶寶nephew J長大好多,真得很謝謝哥哥和嫂嫂的招待。we'll return the favor when you guys come for thanksgiving!