Thursday, November 30, 2006



過了半夜寒流入境,氣溫降了三、四十度。早上起來看新聞發現很多學校都放假,小朋友的學校沒放,只好乖乖地送去學校。整個早上都只在報氣象的新聞,讓我以為路況有多差、多危險,結果中午去學校當義工的時候,發現只是濕濕的而已嘛! 可是已經有一大堆家長把小孩子接回家了,我做完後也就把小朋友接回家。大家窩在一起喝溫可可看卡通,就像他們小時候,好棒!

雪真得就只有這麼一點!下午新聞還一直在報天氣,連oprah也被取消改報氣象,真是好笑! 德州人是不是太大驚小怪了??!!

Monday, November 27, 2006






第一次我們去醫院接小朋友,順便探望媽媽和小貝鼻,每個人都抱了寶寶一下,Bobo好興奮,看他的表情,so precious!

星期六和另一對夫婦去了一個好玩的餐廳gatti town。基本上是一個給小孩子玩的dave & buster,門口有小火車讓小孩子坐,Bobo和Zozo可能就做了四次,進去後有pizza & pasta buffet,吃完小朋友就開始玩電動玩具和其它的遊樂器材,也可以看電影或sports games。還有免費的face painting,其實是要付小費的,實在畫的好棒! 我們忘了帶相機,所以回家才照!


Saturday, November 25, 2006

How We spent Our Thanksgiving

our first thanksgiving in texas greeted us with wonderfully warm weather. the temperature was warm with a slight breeze. we decided to take advantage of the good weather by taking a trek through a natural preserve here in our fair city. we brought along our little friend to take in the natural beauty. the kids had a great time looking for clues of the whereabouts of bobcats. i, however, would rather not have a close encounter with any of the wildlife!

since it was our first time at the preserve, we stayed mostly 0n the paved path to avoid being lost. a lot of people had the same idea as us to enjoy the outdoors, so the path was pretty busy.
we brought frisbees to toss back and forth along the trail. then the kids played on the playground for awhile before we headed back to raymond's house for a homemade dumpling meal. we were so busy eating that i forgot to take a picture of the food. raymond's grandmother made dumpling by hand. each one was about twice as big as the frozen ones we ususally eat. it's been awhile since we had fresh, homemade dumplings, and we throughly enjoyed every last bite of the meal. for dinner, we headed over to our english pastor's house. there was great food and good company. then there's another thanksgiving potluck at church friday night. i think we've been eating thanksgiving meals and sharing for two weeks now. all in all, it was a stress free holiday for us except for all the weight we are putting on our bodies!

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Dining Room

when we were looking for a house here in texas, the first thing i looked at was whether my dining room furniture would fit in the space. out of the 25 houses i looked at that one day in may, this house was the only one that fit the need. our dining room set was handed down to us from my mom. even the flower arrangement was handed down but suffered a great deal in the trek down from missouri. i haven't been able to find a suitable replacement. i know what i want in my head. i just haven't been able to find all those things in the stores.

this is the first room to be completely organized after we moved in. the reason may be that it's purely decorative. we never use this formal dining room. our china cabinet is filled with our books since we don't have enough room in this house to store all of our books. the buffet is pretty much empty since we have more cartoon character spoons and forks than fine silverware. i hope to put this room to more use later but right now, i am just glad that there's one room in the house that stays pretty much clean and organized most of the time.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

All Dressed Up


這套衣服是她自己挑的,我本來很反對小女生穿這種小外套,可是今年覺得她長大很多,穿這種衣服沒那麼怪,結果每次去買衣服她都要這種的top。她自己還配了一條項鍊和小皇冠。出門時已經快遲到了就趕著上車,她還說忘了擦口紅,(我只讓她擦無色護唇膏,有差嗎?) 我覺得好好笑,小女生這麼急著長大,我也開始擔心老化了。

Saturday, November 18, 2006




Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Homemade Guitar

Z boy had to turn in a homemade music instrument a few days ago. this type of homework always gives me a headache since i am not that creative. this is when awesome hubby came to the rescue and volunteered to work on the homework with Z boy.what did we see that day when the kids and i came home from a playdate? B sitting at the breakfast table, working hard on designing the cardboard guitar. he sure took this project ultra-seriously! upon completing the design, B and the kids headed to the garage to work on putting the guitar together. No one even wanted to come inside for dinner.

the end result--Z boy rocking out on the guitar with the rubberband strings! from his pose, i can tell that he secretly wants to be a rock star. he even shakes his head up and down when he pretends to play. i think in a few years, we might have an amateur rock band taking over our garage!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Veteran's Day Program

今天我的小帥哥在學校有個表演,所有的kindergarten小朋友唱一些愛國歌曲,我當然沒很仔細地聽,只是目不轉睛的看著Bobo。 他有一句台詞,"America has been a friend to many countries."


現在氣候越來越乾燥,晚上小朋友睡覺時必須開humidifier,不然常常會流鼻血,流到有時候房間都像命案現場。開humidifier就必須把門關起來,才能讓濕氣保留在房間裡。可是Zozo就有問題啦! 小女生膽子較小,門關起來會怕到睡不著,只好讓她和Bobo一起睡,而且還不是上下舖,兩個人要一起睡一張床。後來還得一人睡一頭才不會太擠。


兩個人上床後沒好好睡,偷玩了多久不知道,把他們的baby blankets和兩支stuffed狒狒都掛起來了。看來,這週末要來一次大風吹,把兩個人的房間改一下,才能一人一張床,減少玩耍的時間,增加睡眠的時間!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay." Ruth 1: 16b.
last saturday evening, B joined a worship team here at pcac to lead praise for an evangelical event. it's been more than five months since he served in this aspect. seeing him play guitar and sing praise to our God, i realized how much i missed seeing him up on stage. i also realized how much i enjoy being led in worship by my man.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fall Meet

星期天下午,Zozo第一次參加體操比賽/表演,比賽是因為每個項目都有評審給分數,表演是因為最後每個小朋友都有送獎牌。因為是第一次參加,Zozo特別緊張,平常上課做的地板操好像完全忘記,連教練在旁邊提醒都好像聽不太懂。oh well, 下一次可能就會比較好。



Thursday, November 02, 2006


前幾天在學校的lobby等小孩的時候,瞄到牆上一些小朋友學樊谷的畫,還裝在畫框裡。後來發現其中一個好像是Zozo的,沒寫last name,所以要等Zozo出來確定一下。她看了一下說yeah,就繼續跟Bobo玩,like it's not a big deal。也許對她來說沒什麼,可是我好高興,真得覺得四張畫裡,她的最棒。 我和B很喜歡樊谷的畫,我們一起買的第一副畫就是starry night的print,也許Zozo就是經常看才畫的那麼好。


老公說蠻好吃的,Zozo和Bobo也吃了不少,可是我覺得還需要改進,下次該用dark meat,肉要醃久一點。

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall Festival

今年的昨天晚上去教會參加fall festival。
Bobo今年還是當red power ranger,每年都是red ranger, 可是都有點不一樣,我想今年是他最喜歡的,因為有一個披風! Zozo是Barbie Pegasus的公主,是千挑萬選的costume,小女生真得意見越來越多,不巧手的媽媽只好一個website接一個website地讓她選。我想明年她就不會要dress up了,很多小朋友都沒有穿costume,只玩game和拿糖。

這個教會的fall festival有蠻多好玩的game,我和B在gym的兩邊各守一個booth,Zozo和Bobo到底玩了些什麼我也不太確定,只是偶而check一下他們的身影,不過倆個都有滿滿的兩桶糖果,臉上都笑嘻嘻的,回家後,Zozo趕功課也一點怨言都沒有。

這次的costume就穿這麼一次,歷年來每一套都穿到快壞了才到十月三十一日,這裡的學校沒有party,也沒讓小朋友dress up,不了解中。。。這次scrapbook只要做一頁就好了,沒什麼照片需要document。

P.S. blogger一直有問題,upload好幾次才post一張照片,氣人! 只好點這裡看其他的囉。