我大概猜得出來是誰送的,可是也許是猜錯呀!所以請好心人從實招來吧!好讓我們也回送一些東東,說不定我心情好,送個burberry something喔!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Secret Santa?!
我大概猜得出來是誰送的,可是也許是猜錯呀!所以請好心人從實招來吧!好讓我們也回送一些東東,說不定我心情好,送個burberry something喔!
我本來以為這個假期會是很原始,因為朋友說是要去camping,我以為cabin只會有四面牆,上廁所可能要去公共設施。我們到了之後,發現cabin裡面什麼都有,廚房裡所有的設備都有,連電視都有準備,戶外還有hot tub! 好像是住在一棟小房子裡。我喜歡這種camping trip!這幾天我們去了一個state park和一個nature reserve,有很多小行徑可以hike,風景蠻不錯的,氣溫都是五、六十度左右,只是風很大,好險我們有做禦寒的準備,我的帽子是路上鉤的,長的像一個小籃子,不過擋風功能好就好了,回家後這些東西就會被打入冷宮,北德州真得一點都不冷。小朋友們在一起玩的好愉快,最後一天我們有升火烤smores,Bobo還要大家唱個歌,超可愛地! 我們打算夏天再去一次,就可以跳到水裡玩耍。
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Morn
digging into the presents... i asked the two what their favorite presents were this year, their reply was "all of them!" it made me so happy to see them happy!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Thank You, Jenn!
this came in the mail for me yesterday from my favorite and only sister. Z girl is way more excited than i was. in many ways, she's more like her aunt jenn than her own mommy. i am discovering new ways that she resembles her aunt each day. i guess one more way is the love for bling bling.
too bad i won't be able to pass this down to her since it's the letter S.
Friday, December 15, 2006
My Favorite Christmas Memory
years later when we no longer believed in santa claus, our dad told us that he had set up the whole thing for us. my mom made many of our presents, and they would be wrapped up and given to the son of a friend to drop into our yard around midnight. he had to hide quickly so that we would not catch a glimpse of him. the year santa stopped coming to our house was the year the son left taiwan to study abroad. knowing the truth did not diminish the wonder and magic i felt in those early years. it simply reaffirmed for me how loving and thoughtful my parents were and are still towards us.
--in loving memory of my father on the 13th anniversary of his passing, who along with my mother, taught us the importance of family and sacrificial love.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
做完之後是這個樣子。我們一人選了一邊,因為Zozo嫌我和Bobo做的不夠整齊,(厚,有時候我覺得她比我還龜毛!) 做完後,我的感想是好險我們家沒有人有糖尿病,所有的材料都超甜地,小孩子黏一顆糖就吃一顆,還好沒有人sugar high到睡不著,不過今天早上他們倒是比我還早起床!
What to Wear??!!
we decided on this outfit early in the conversation then proceeded to talk for a few hours about everything and nothing. about two hours before i had to pick the kids up from school, i finally went out to the mall to pick up this outfit.
horrors of all horrors, this outfit was not available at the store. i couldn't decide on what else to get so i traipsed around the mall, going from store to store in search of a similar outfit. i couldn't find anything at all. with 15 minutes to spare, i finally returned to banana and asked a salesperson for help. she picked out something for me and made me try the outfit on. (she really had to make me since i hate trying on stuff in the store.) i got out of the mall and reached school just as the kids were coming out. whew!
this is the outfit that i went to the party in. i am not sure that i would choose the same thing again if i wasn't under such a time crunch. i don't know when i would ever wear this skirt again. it's silk and bubble shaped! definitely doesn't go with the extremely casual lifestyle we lead.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Christmas Decor
this year our color theme to pink and red since we are putting up two trees. the pink and silver tree is for the kids. one of our traditions is to buy an ornament for each of them a year. that way, when they grow up and move out on their own, they will have enough ornaments to start their own trees. the ornaments were suppose to represent something about their year. that only lasted until they developed a mind of their own. now they choose whatever they like at the time. Z girl has been choosing princess ornaments, and Z boy chooses power rangers. however, as we were decorating the kids tree, Z girl informed me that she no longer like princesses. it's amazing how fast my little girl is growing up! their tree is set up in the family room right next to the fireplace. this allows for easy access for santa to drop in at our house on christmas eve!
this is our red and gold tree. we don't have special ornaments just the little globes but it still turned out fairly well. the look is simple yet traditional. this tree and the rest of the red and theme decorations are in the dining room.
there are also garlands hung on our banisters, around our doorways, and the baker's rack. the decorating is never done though. i plan to add red and pink ribbons and ornaments to the garlands. of course, the outdoor lights need to be finished, too.
P.S. it took me three days to try to upload this post and pictures. i know i get what i pay for which is nothing but really does it have to be this troublesome?!