Sunday, September 17, 2006



早上起床後,竟然沒有人wish me a happy birthday。問Zozo要不要給我一個birthday kiss,忙著看卡通的她,叫我自己過去親。我臉上出現三條線,好像看到未來她的teenage years.

中午吃完不怎麼樣的韓國拌飯後,就開始search for我們想要的新傢俱。老公好像很希望在我生日當天買到,所以看到晚上八點多才放棄,真是累死我了!從來沒有逛街逛到想哭,連我想吃的刨冰都沒時間去吃。之後老公還是帶了全家去買我想要的垃圾桶,就是為了讓我生日至少有收到一樣禮物。結果扛回家後,竟然是壞的,還換來他一句,決對不買這牌子的東西了。我又得再去選別種嗎?!

晚上睡覺前,老公說我好可憐! 其實想一想,覺得還是很不錯啦。媽媽和姐姐全家都打電話來,媽媽還送我那麼貴的垃圾桶!我整天都和家人在一起,(還不必煮飯洗碗,)真的很幸福耶!


Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday!!
somehow your last couple new post did not go thru my could it be your blog is set up the US time...which is 15 hrs later than

Did you have your birthday cake? I did not see you posted??

sam said...

thank you!

i am kind of tech-challenged so i don't know why the new posts don't go though. sorry!

i didn't get a cake. i only like taiwanese cakes, and we don't know if they have those here. since coming here, we've replaced cake with shaved ice. well, i didn't get that until the next day.