Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Simplify Our Life

before we moved to texas, B and i decided to downsize and simplify our life. we bought a smaller house and gave away as much stuff as we can part with. however, once we moved into our new and smaller house, we found out that downsizing and simplifying is easier said than done. i've been trying to declutter and organize our house as much as possible but it's been a slow go. the hardest part has been trying to explain our new lifestyle to the kids. right now, donating and throwing away their extra possessions is the hardest thing for them to do.

in my rush to organize the house, sometimes i forget to relax and enjoy what we have here. even though the house is smaller, it is filled with beautiful features. our kitchen has granite countertops and tile backsplash that i used to dream of. there are crown molding throughout many parts of the house. my favorite part of the house is the stacked fire place mantel in our family room. the decoration we had in our old house fits perfectly on the mantel, too.

sometimes, i think i need something else to make the mantel look better. most of the time, though, i like it just the way it is.

i need to sit down at times to count the abundant blessings God has showered upon us instead of focusing on the negative aspects. sometimes, with an attitude adjustment, those negative aspects can actually be positive!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

How could you call it downsize? It's a beautiful house.
I wish I have money for the build-in TV set? Also not to mention the mentel, hello!!! Love your decorations!!!

Can I subscribe your blog on my blog?

sam said...

hi patricia,

the house is smaller if you count the sqare footage but i do like it a lot!

really?! you want to subscribe to my blog?! i feel so honored! definitely! (still shocked!)