Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Conversation at dinner

Z boy: daddy, you are 33 and mommy is 35.

B: yes, mommy is 35 but she looks 25.

Z boy: no, she looks like 25 million!

B: son, i think you better go to bed early tonight.


Anonymous said...

hahaha! he is so cute!
Maybe he doesn't mean it, just say it too fast~

your husband also react very fast~good sense.

Anonymous said...

Sam ,you are younger than me?!


sam said...


i know he doesn't mean anything by it. Z boy is fascinated with numbers right now. the larger the better. it's the adults' reaction that's funny. my husband has a dry sense of humor!!!

sam said...



Anonymous said...


sam said...

we took care of that so there won't be anymore surprises!

Anonymous said...

I want my husband to take care of that too. Still trying to talk him to do it.

Sometimes I wish I can married earlier....so I don't have to go thru it with my kids so late~ so you are only a year older than me.

sam said...

我感覺很老嗎?! 我應該比你大一歲一個月,哈!哈!

Anonymous said...

your husband reacts very fast. If it happens to my family, i think my husband will freeze without saying anything. he is clever. i should show my husband this article.

sam said...

sometimes he gets it right. other times, his humor fails miserably that it's still funny. it's fun to be married to him!