Monday, November 20, 2006

The Dining Room

when we were looking for a house here in texas, the first thing i looked at was whether my dining room furniture would fit in the space. out of the 25 houses i looked at that one day in may, this house was the only one that fit the need. our dining room set was handed down to us from my mom. even the flower arrangement was handed down but suffered a great deal in the trek down from missouri. i haven't been able to find a suitable replacement. i know what i want in my head. i just haven't been able to find all those things in the stores.

this is the first room to be completely organized after we moved in. the reason may be that it's purely decorative. we never use this formal dining room. our china cabinet is filled with our books since we don't have enough room in this house to store all of our books. the buffet is pretty much empty since we have more cartoon character spoons and forks than fine silverware. i hope to put this room to more use later but right now, i am just glad that there's one room in the house that stays pretty much clean and organized most of the time.


Anonymous said...

I love your drapes, did it come with the house?

and the color of the dining room looks very warm.

It's a million dollar look!!

sam said...

one of the reasons i fell in love with this house even though it's small was because the color is the same as my old house. the drapes were a bonus!

B and i used to joke that the house being a million dollars if it were in california!

Anonymous said...

It is!!!

the draperies itself are at least $5000 and not including the blinds and shutters....

love your beautiful house!

Anonymous said...



sam said...

