did i learn anything new about marriage and how to make it work? actually, i'd say no but i've never had it presented to me in such a well-organized and concise way. after being married for nearly 9 years now, i really needed to be refreshed on a lot of the areas covered. things were more meaningful now that we've experienced first hand the trials in a marriage. what struck me most was how much protection God has place in our lives because if we had simply relied on ourselves, we'd be headed for destruction. i especially loved the sessions on the responsibility of a wife and as a mom. these are the two areas that i've been struggling with. i think the stresses in our lives from the past couple of years have really eroded my ability to see past my own needs to be the wife i ought to be. i've also felt some real and imaginary challenges to my role as a mom. having renewed understanding of God's plan in these areas for me is helping me to not conform to the world and thrive despite the world.
the weekend was also awesome for the chance for B and i to have undivided attention for each other. as our lives get busier and busier, it's becoming harder to find time to devote to each other and our relationship. this weekend afforded us time to really sit down to share intimately without the distractions from 2Z and our surroundings. and it really was a challenge to not be distracted since right before we were to go to the conference, we discovered a leak in our house and found water damage in a section of our ceiling. we even had to leave early from the conference to meet with the repairman. now the challenge is to remember what we've learned and really apply them in our daily lives. one thing that sticks out in my mind is that marriage is a lifetime commitment, not just a feeling of love. we love each other not for the things we do but for the gift that each is to the other. we've gained so much from this experience, and now i understand why couples continue to go back to the conference.
we are really thankful for our friends S&K for taking care of 2Z while we were gone. they've been a tremendous help in our move to texas and has continue to support us in many ways. i hope we've been able to convey how much we appreciate their friendship.
i highly recommend every couple to attend this conference. go to family life to find out more. it's also a great site for resources on parenting!
原來有好朋友幫忙~~~ 真好ㄟ~~~~
Very glad to hear that you and B are working diligently on your marriage and family. Marriage is definitely the toughest lesson in my life and I am afraid that I am failing this one. However, I am very optimistic that I will still be able to provide the best for my kids, and hopefully, he will be helpful as well even if we go our separate ways.
Good luck in everything!!
my hubby would say the same thing as BEAR FATHER Said. "你賈霸雄營"
可是他是accountant 他們cpa association每年都要~~~~他都想不去了
更何況要他在那whole day
your hubby is so patient
there's no better environment for kids than a happy, harmonious home. it's also the place where your kids model their future families.
ha! ha! the marriage conference is definitely not the same as a cpa conference.
my hubby and i put our family and marriage as top priority. both of us enjoyed this conference tremendously, and we plan on going again.
much easier said than done.....
I heard about this conference from Melissa, but I never attend before. 4years ago I attend a women's conference, and I loved it so much~
you are right, we just need to make a time to do the right thing.
I wish I was there~
oh, i want to know about the women's conference. tell me more!
there are a lot of dates for the weekend to remember conference. i saw a lot of them in southern california. if you are interested, i bet there's one for you.
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