Z boy played with his buddy the whole time. they had fun pretending to be all kinds of superheroes. Z boy will miss him so much after they move~~~
at the luau, the kids were invited to have a dip in the hot tub. there were about 10 kids bopping up and down in the water. it was the hardest thing to take a good picture of the scene. the kids also thought it was fun to splash water at all the parets surrounding the tub trying to take pictures of them. i am glad that at least i caught a happy expression on Z girl's face.
we all contributed to a surprise scrapbook for our friends. this was our contribution. 2Z also wrote a message for them. it's so cool to be able to work on a page together now that the kids are literate. of course, Z boy still needs to improve on his fine motor skills. doing it the creative way was definitely better than the handwriting exercises. they even chalked up their own little tags by themselves.
i was really bummed about our friends leaving. they were the first couple to extend the hands of friendship to us at our new church. our kids got along so well, and the boys were fast friends. but i know the decision was a good one for their family so i am happy for them. best wishes to the Yao's. see you again in the summer!
而且年紀越大越不會handle the situation
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